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The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau is pleased to evaluate international media and content creators for prospective trips. Please complete our Press Trip Application [link] for consideration. Our team will review the application to determine eligibility.
Please note: U.S.-based media and content creators should contact Philadelphia’s domestic tourism agency Visit Philadelphia.
Information for international travelers and tour operators, including sample itineraries, travel tips, and transportation is available on We also urge international visitors to download our International Visitors Guide, which is available in nine languages.
Many Philadelphia attractions and locations have their own process for film and photography permits. The PHLCVB cannot guarantee assistance in shortening these processes. Follow the links below for more information.
Independence National Historic Park (includes Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell Center, and Benjamin Rush Garden)
Philadelphia Parks (including LOVE Park) and the Philadelphia Museum of Art Steps
Images and b-roll are available in our Media Library. Please credit the PHLCVB.
Please visit Visit PA for more information about exploring other cities and regions in Pennsylvania.
Reach out to our media contacts.